Close up of a blue graphic of a lighthouse, light beams gulls

To The Forest – Nova Scotia Vol 2 (Luna Press)

Luna Press have published Nova Scotia Vol 2, edited by Neil Williamson and Andrew J. Wilson. It’s a real privilege to be published alongside some absolute legends!

Cover by Jenni Coutts

Nova Scotia Vol 2 anthology, featuring short fiction by…

Ken MacLeod, Eliza Chan, Lorraine Wilson, Morag Edward, David Goodman, Jon Courtenay Grimwood, Andrew J. Wilson, Pippa Goldschmidt, Dilys Rose, Eris Young, Ali Maloney, Russell Jones, Lindz McLeod, Grant Morrison, Neil Williamson, CL Hellisen, Rhiannon A Grist, Doug Johnstone, T.L. Huchu, Ever Dundas, Jane McKie, Chris Kelso, James Kelman, Carole Johnstone, E.M. Faulds, Jeda Pearl.

Edited by Neil Williamson and Andrew J. Wilson

Buy Nova Scotia Vol 2

My story is called ‘To the Forest’ and is mostly from the POV of a (sentient) plantform character called Linn, thinking about plants as people and memory-keepers in an imagined next millennium.

On Luna Press’ blog, I talk about some of the ideas and inspirations that fed the world building and the original performance piece I wrote that this world, characters and story grew from.

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