Delighted to share this project! This is the third annual anthology from the Writers of Colour project over at Scottish BPOC Writers Network. This most recent audio anthology was co-curated by poets Hannah Lavery and Marjorie Lotfi.
Featuring 25 poets, you should experience it in its entirety on SBWN (audio + text).
My poem is called ‘When you come bring your brown’ – audio and transcript below. The soundscape was created by Sarya Wu.
When you come bring your brown set your teeth grin at the white shore and it’s hunger froth will pounce on your words (but only the right words) built from your grains of dark sand each one its own story ‘when you come bring your brown’ slips into the rifts between words ‘serve us razor-cut slivers of dark meat, let us salt it’ they’ll slush and gulp your warm sands between spume fingers with the unquenchable thirst of the white sea thiefing your sounds your moves, your – being performing cathedrals of salt spray they don’t trust you anyway, so when you come bring your brown choose who you take to your forest, desert, glade, island we will make our own selection of long-buried secrets of shell, bone, gem, glass, mirror no exotica here